Saturday, June 16, 2007

Messages and Forwards

Talking about SMSes and forwards,there are so many being circulated that I hardly spend anytime reading them. However, there are two that I liked..

One was an SMS I received which went like this-
What is the difference between the rest of India and Bangalore?
In the rest of India, people drive on the left of the road whereas in Bangalore you drive on what is left of the road.

How true..

Another one which I have received innumerable times but still I read it fully each time I receive it is this--

The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK, " "When I grew up I was BLACK, " "When I'm sick I'm BLACK, " "When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, " "When I'm cold I'm BLACK, "When I die I'll be BLACK." "But you sir." "When you're born you're pink, " "When you grow up you're white, " "When you're sick, you're green, "When you go in the sun you turn red, " "When you're cold you turn blue, " "And when you die you turn purple." "And you have the nerve to
call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away....

Food for thought this?


Jo said...

Yes, it leaves a seed of thought. I also got this in one of the forwarded emails.

Ganapathy said...

It is good.Karupputhan enakku piditha kalaru